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Contributor | Ν. Τζίτζη |
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Creator | Στ' τάξη |
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Description | Our Second “Time Voyagers” Radio Show in English on Friday, April 18th,2014 The 6th Graders of the 10th Helioupolis Primary School will take you on a voyage to … Cinema, Television and Sports of the 70s and 80s in Europe. Cinema, Television and Sports Time Voyagers will share with you information about European Film Festivals, Eurovision Song Contests, UEFA and EuroBasket championships that took place between 1970 and 1989. Kio, Akis, Jason, Eve, Annie, Sandy, Roulis and Axel will also keep you company with Venice and Cannes Film Festivals winning movie soundtracks, Eurovision winning songs and hits of the 70s and the 80s. Cinema, Television and Sports “Time Voyagers” will air on European School Radio at 20:00 on Friday, April 18th!!! |
Language | en |
Publisher | 10ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Ηλιούπολης |
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Subject | κινηματογράφος τηλεόραση ποδόσφαιρο μπάσκετ Ευρώπη 1980s |
Title | 6ο Ταξίδι στο Παρελθόν (2η εκπομπή στα αγγλικά) |
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